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Buddy's Destiny

Little did anyone know, especially Buddy, that Buddy had a destiny to help start something amazing for the community.

I met Buddy in October 2022, at the Northumberland Humane Society, where he had been since January 2022. In the fall, I reached out to Northumberland Humane Society, offering to do photographs of their shelter dogs and cats, in the hopes that it would help find them forever loving homes. Since Buddy was the very first shelter dog that I photographed, he earned a special place in my heart. At that time, gentle Buddy could care less that I was there taking his photos, as he was just enjoying being out in the sunshine.

No one really knows anything about Buddy's history, other than Buddy is about 8 years old, a possible Pyrenees, Alaskan Malamute, Husky who unfortunately spent most of his life, in and out of shelters.

That same day, just as I was about to leave, a man named Jordan, showed up to meet Buddy, as Buddy was quite popular on social media with Northumberland Humane Society. At the time, it was noted that Buddy may not be good around other dogs, especially male dogs. Jordan and the Northumberland Humane Society staff, agreed to let Buddy meet Jordan's two female dogs, Stella and Luna, through the fence. We all watched in disbelief that Buddy seemed to be intrigued about Jordan's dogs as they just sniffed each other. Gradually, over some time, Buddy met Stella and Luna a few more times, without a fence between them. Jordan and the Northumberland Humane Society, agreed to let Buddy have some trial periods, days out, at Jordan's work place, BuildX, in Port Hope. Buddy, Luna and Stella became friends and these trial periods turned into the start of the adoption process for Buddy, in December 2022. The official adoption announcement was in January 2023.

In January 2023, BuildX decided to create an amazing project, to support the community and call it the Buddy Bus. BuildX managed to acquire an old public transit bus, which is in the process of be retrofitted to contain washing facilities, bunks, a kitchenette and sitting area. The Buddy Bus, will also be working with various local social service agencies, to offer mobile community services such as medical treatment, addiction counselling and mental health support for the homeless, the elderly and anyone else that could benefit from the various services. In the winter months, the Buddy Bus will also be a warming shelter for those in need.

Now Buddy is living his best life. He has two sisters, Stella and Luna. Buddy is Jordan's shadow and goes everywhere with him. Buddy has turned into an easy going, giant, floofy snuggle bug, who will thump his tail on the bed and start talking, to wake Jordan up in the mornings. He takes up his position, on his bed at the front door of BuildX, watching the world go by and greet anyone who comes into the building. Though, the staff need to keep the door locked, as Buddy will try to bump it open and take himself for a walk.

Buddy plays in the dog run, at BuildX with his sisters and has been meeting more dog friends. Buddy loves McDonald french fries and has a tendency to dumpster dive, so everyone at BuildX has to make sure nothing, that Buddy thinks is delicious, is in the garbage. Buddy brings smiles to the faces of everyone at BuildX as he wanders around the building and checking on the staff working on the Buddy Bus.

If you would like to meet Buddy and learn more about the Buddy Bus, Jordan and Buddy, will be at the Float Your Fanny Down the Ganny, as a vendor, on Saturday April 8th, 2023. Be sure to follow Buddy and the progress of the Buddy Bus on Facebook (

Congratulations to Jordan and Buddy, for finding each other. Buddy fans are so happy that he now has a happy, loving forever home with two sisters.

Buddy. The Ambassador of the Buddy Bus for the community of Port Hope.

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